Kovan double murder: Elder Tan retrieve valuables before heading home

It was reported in the Chinese tabloid that murder victim, Tan Boon Sin, 67, seemed out of sorts just before he was killed. 

According to eye-witness, he was seen going to the Certis building near his workshop to access his safe deposit box. Tan apparently took out several items. This was not his normal routine and the items he kept in the safe deposit box were either very important or valuables, not items he would retrieve frequently. They could be linked to his eventual death! 

Tan did not look his normal self and appeared anxious to go home as he cut into a petrol kiosk in order to avoid a minor jam at the T-junction. The eye-witness said he did not notice anyone else in the car but said Tan looked anxious.

The police have viewed the CCTV recordings at Certis and the petrol kisok and should have an idea of what kind of valuables Tan took with him back home before he met his killer. 

Meanwhile, kaypoh Singaporeans are driving or walking to the unit 14J Hillside Drive to look at the crime scene. A reporter there said about 100 cars drove by throughout the day and slowed down at the unit while pedestrians pointed at the house.